Machine Servicing

We service and repair most makes of sewing machine on site (we don't sub-contract work).

There are some models which are now becoming uneconomical to repair or the parts are difficult to obtain. However we pride ourselves on being able to keep the 'good ones' going and can sometimes rely on parts from donor machines. Generally, the more it cost new, the longer it keeps going. Unfortunately, some modern makes and models aren't supported by the manufacturers.

We can usually tell if the problem is the usual one for that model and advise accordingly. Similarly there are models that we more or less know are going to be costly (mainly in time) to repair or sort out and respectfully must decline to take them on (we now only accept JUKI, Bernina & BabyLock overlockers for service). 

For information as to the work carried out servicing your machine, please see our previous post.

Our standard charge starts at £55 although repairs and smaller remedial jobs may be less. Some more complicated machines will be more but unlikely to be skywards of £100, or £150 as we have heard!

Give Tim a call first; he will discuss your requirements and give you honest advice. He has experience of 100's of machines (with a 97% success rate - a couple of machines sadly didn't make it!) so is likely to be familiar with the work needed.

07985 387223

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