Going Loopy - Overlockers & Coverstichers

Love 'em or hate 'em we're often asked our opinion of them.

There is no doubt that O & C's can give your project a neat finish and produce special stitches - saving time (but not always!) and giving a professional finish. There are some considerations. You may have to rethink your construction order/routine but that's generally a time saving exercise. You will also have to practice threading (even with an air threader) and stitch balancing but once you get familiar with your machine it gets easier (promise!).

Do you need one of each? Should I buy a combination machine?

We would recommend starting with a good overlocker (will explain 'good' later). A coverstitcher is good if you are needing that type of stitch regularly e.g. children's clothes, t-shirts etc. However most decent sewing machines and overlockers can replicate or do a pretty good version of a coverstitch if you don't want to get a coverstitcher.

Combination machines generally have more needles & settings to figure out. Great if you have a batch of overlocking then a batch of coverstitching but switching between the two modes takes time & patience.

What to buy then?

We would recommend buying an overlocker first and then a coverstitcher (unless you only want to do coverstitching, of course). If you need to do both types we would suggest separate machines. You can keep each set-up, not be without one or the other if the combi is being serviced or upgrade separately if you need to.

Choosing your machine can be tricky!

It's tempting to go for the 'middle aisle' bargain or 'box seller' for price because you feel you might not get along with it. Don't let the machine you buy to see if you like sewing with it be the one that puts you off it!

Unfortunately the adage 'buy cheap - buy twice' really applies here. And you won't get advice at the checkout either!

We stock overlockers & coverstitchers by Britannia and JUKI. The domestic overlocker originated from JUKI and they made reliable machines for Babylock and others. The Britannia range offers well made machines with all the features you'll need and are reasonably priced too (starting at £349). JUKI offer several types - regular, air threaders and automatics. The build quality reflects  their industrial heritage.

Our most popular, the 654DE overlocker has earned it's reputation through reliability, ease of servicing (lower cost) and not least - the stitch quality. It costs more (but not always) and looked after it will give years of service. In 15 years we have never had one returned!

What to avoid?

In our opinion it's difficult to get a sub £300 machine that will last or is serviceable after it's first bent looper for instance. There are machines out there notorious for this and we don't service them now. You will find only out about the machine that bounces around the table or the one that is not as 'heavy-duty' as it claims, once it's too late! As a guide - see what's up for sale on that auction site and ask 'why the usual suspects?'.

By the way - we couldn't recommend buying a used overlocker unless you can either see it working or see an example of the stitching or chain formation. We only service overlockers and coverstitchers that we have sold now! (With a few exceptions)

If you need advice on what to buy then call in or visit our product pages.

Admittedly we'll only recommend those that we sell - but then again we only sell them for a reason!

*Prices and specification correct at time of publication

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